A self-isolated young human known as "James" delves into the hidden world of microscopic organisms, forging a tender connection with these nearly invisible creatures and developing a massive online following, as he seeks to understand his own place in the cosmos and accept the scars of his past.
“A Body Called Life” is a film made in collaboration with James, with a screenplay adapted from the verbatim Instagram posts of James, starring James as James, and featuring a charming score by Dan Deacon.
- Runtime15 minutes
- DirectorSpencer MacDonald
- ScreenwriterSpencer MacDonald
- ProducerPascal Duschletta
- Executive ProducerDalia Burde
- CastJames Weiss
- CinematographerFabian Kimoto
- EditorSpencer MacDonald
- ComposerDan Deacon
- Sound DesignUKO the Audio Suite
A self-isolated young human known as "James" delves into the hidden world of microscopic organisms, forging a tender connection with these nearly invisible creatures and developing a massive online following, as he seeks to understand his own place in the cosmos and accept the scars of his past.
“A Body Called Life” is a film made in collaboration with James, with a screenplay adapted from the verbatim Instagram posts of James, starring James as James, and featuring a charming score by Dan Deacon.
- Runtime15 minutes
- DirectorSpencer MacDonald
- ScreenwriterSpencer MacDonald
- ProducerPascal Duschletta
- Executive ProducerDalia Burde
- CastJames Weiss
- CinematographerFabian Kimoto
- EditorSpencer MacDonald
- ComposerDan Deacon
- Sound DesignUKO the Audio Suite