Expired October 9, 2023 4:59 AM
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Jovan, a 16-year-old, stumbles upon a mysterious woman while dressed in his high school uniform in the forest. Jovan wakes up and finds his mother sleeping beside him, tenderly stroking his hair. His mother leaves the room to get ready for church. Jovan waiting for her mother to get in her car and starts watching porn on his phone. Accidentally, the audio connects to his mother's car Bluetooth. Hearing the loud sound, the mother promptly catches Jovan pretending to be asleep while the porn plays at high volume. Jovan's parents ask him to repent without giving any explanations. His mother warns him that she might call his best friend's mother and accuse the friend of teaching him to watch the inappropriate video. Jovan leaves home briefly but ultimately returns due to his dependence on his parents. At night, Jovan lies between his sleeping parents in the same bed. He puts his right hand to his pants and closes his eyes. When he opens his eyes, he catches sight of the woman from the forest and proceeds to follow her path. A bright red light shines on his face.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Country
  • Director
    Kevin Rahardjo
  • Screenwriter
    Kevin Rahardjo
  • Producer
    Aldy Reyhanshah, Kevin Rahardjo
  • Executive Producer
    Kevin Rahardjo, Abraham Joshua, Vivien Nathania
  • Cast
    Rakhan Devana, Wani Siregar, Albaranshah
  • Cinematographer
    Abraham Joshua
  • Editor
    Kevin Rahardjo
  • Production Design
    Vivien Nathania
  • Composer
    Dira Nararyya
  • Sound Design
    Dira Nararyya
  • Music
    Dira Nararyya