Expired October 9, 2023 4:59 AM
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In the "Broken Chain" music video, Midnight Mantra plays a Blockbuster video clerk in 2004, embarking on a journey of healing and self-discovery. The video combines Y2K Blockbuster movie scenes with the artist's transformation, emphasizing the importance of self-acceptance. With non-stop visuals and an upbeat title track, "Broken Chain," the video inspires viewers to overcome obstacles and embrace their unique role as the hero of their own life story.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Genre
    Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Alternative
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Cade Huseby
  • Screenwriter
    Cade Huseby
  • Producer
    Cade Huseby, Cort Maclean
  • Executive Producer
    Midnight Mantra
  • Cast
    Midnight Mantra, Samantha Dammeyer, Sean E. Roche, Flasch, Kevin Mintz, Aspen Kleine
  • Cinematographer
    Cade Huseby
  • Editor
    Cade Huseby
  • Production Design
    Cade Huseby
  • Composer
    Midnight Mantra
  • Sound Design
    Midnight Mantra
  • Music
    Midnight Mantra