2024 Nashville Film Festival

Tennessee Shorts: Comedy

Expired October 9, 2023 4:59 AM
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When Charlie is at his lowest, he finds himself sharing a booth with a stranger in a dimly-lit bar. Wasting no time, the man reveals himself to be the devil here to make a Faustian bargain. Tired of his immortal duties, Satan offers Charlie a chance to switch places, promising him power and an escape from his mundane existence. In this dark comedy, watch as Charlie grapples with the unimaginable, asking the question: Can the allure of power override a desperate man's skepticism?

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Michael Bentley & Corbin Eaton
  • Screenwriter
    Michael Bentley & Corbin Eaton
  • Producer
    Haley Tabor
  • Executive Producer
    Michael Bentley & Corbin Eaton
  • Cast
    Michael Bentley & Corbin Eaton
  • Cinematographer
    Bennett Win
  • Editor
    Corbin Eaton
  • Production Design
    Haley Tabor
  • Sound Design
    Kyle May, Kelsey Kopecky
  • Music
    Michael Bentley & Corbin Eaton